To support mental health and performance improvement based on brain science
The Applied Brain Science Laboratory at Shibaura Institute of Technology was established in April 2018.
The mission of the laboratory is to ① elucidate the mechanisms of human mind as brain functions, and ② develop applications that contribute to society based on brain science knowledge by utilizing neuroimaging and biomedical measurement techniques. In particular, we are working to understand "social behavior" and "motivation" by using optical topography/functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), and to develop a new technology to contribute to "performance enhancement" and "well-being".

Research Field
Neuroscinece, Cognitive Psychology, Biomedical Engineering, Sports and Health Sciences
Main Research Topics
Our laboratory is currently focusing on the following research topics.
- Development of Neurophysiological "Choking" Index and its Application to Neurofeedback Training
- Development of sensing technology to measure fine hand movements and its application
- Development of object design to induce fine hand movements in infants
- Study on the relationship between hand dexterity/grip strength and cognitive ability in the elderly
- Study on the relationship between left-right differences in cerebral hemispheres and autonomic nervous system activity
- Hyper scanning of brain activity during face-to-face communication